Bernard (“Bernie” “Crazy Maurice”) Salvatore Tacito
Obituary's Biography:
Bernard “Bernie” S. Tacito, age 62, of Golden, CO, passed away at Perry Memorial Hospital in Princeton, IL, on Saturday, July 4, 2015. He was born May 4, 1953 in Oak Park, IL to Salvatore and Angelina (Lentini) Tacito.
Bernie was the son of a barber but you would never know it. When he was young he let his hair grow and when he got older there was no hair to cut. Still he was very proud of his Dad and loved him very much. His Mother was always very special to him and he loved her every minute of every day. She meant the World to him. His Sisters and their families were also a big part of his life. He loved his wife dearly and her family as if they were his own. They all loved him very much in return. At times, however, they privately thought Bernie was a little crazy but, then again, so did everyone.
There was nothing that made Bernie happier than being with family and friends. He was the King of Outings. It could be a big family holiday dinner, a Sky Box at a Sox Game, a Box at a Backhawks playoff game or the annual Christmas Soiree of friends leading everyone in the obligatory singing of “The Christmas Song” and “Mother’s Lament”. He was the glue that kept everyone together. He was loyal to his friends of whom he had many. It was not uncommon for someone to meet Bernie and feel right away like he was a brother. He made friends everywhere he went and was well loved.
Anyone who knew Bernie knew that he had a serious view of life but chose to filter life through an “offbeat” (putting it mildly) sense of humor. He could find something amusing or funny in just about any situation. This is reflected in his choices of clubs and affiliations. Bernie, with his wife, was co-founder of Black Diamond Charities which helped thousands of kids with back packs for school and helped veterans assimilate back into civilian life. Bernie was also a charter member of the “High Street Council” and belonged to the “I Hate Women and I Hate Men Club” [his family members didn’t count] and “Don McNeil Breakfast Club”. He was also Captain of the “Flying Frogs” volleyball team.
Bernie was a writer, voracious reader, musicologist, lover of nature, enjoyed photography, and was a bon vivant and raconteur. He always enjoyed a good Polka and liked watching “Polka Joe” on RFD TV — “Happy Music for Happy People.” He was an acknowledged expert in anything “Firesign Theater” or involving underground comics and could and would recite from these often without even being asked.
As an English major in college it was only natural that he go into the nuclear power plant business and eventually start his own very successful company Black Diamond Services where he enjoyed his position as “benevolent dictator”. He cared very much about his employees. Not surprisingly, he made many close friends in the power industry.
Anyone who knows Bernie or who has seen his office knows he was a huge sports fan. He was lucky enough to see the “Miracle on Ice”, his beloved Blackhawks (Tony Esposito was his favorite player) win four of their six Lord Stanley Cups in 1961, 2010, 2013 and 2015, his beloved White Sox win the World Series in 2005, the Bulls win it all six times, the Bears and Ditka in 1985 and the Cubs — never.
Bernie always had a quotation for any situation. Frequently you would hear him say:
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member
Mind your head, watch your step
I hate stinky Pierre
Hard Cheese
I like the black one — it looks fast
And, of course what he would tell us all right now — “Carry on McDuffs”
Bernie had a big heart. He loved his family, he loved his company, he loved the people working for him and he loved all his friends. There was nothing that he wouldn’t do for any of his friends. Anyone who knew him knew he was generous to a fault. It’s ironic that in the end that it was his heart that gave out maybe this was because his heart was tired from all the love he gave us. The World will be a lot less fun without Bernie but, as the song goes — “he’s a muckin’ about with the Angels above, not lost but gone before.”
Bernie is survived by his wife of 13 years, Cynthia, whom he married on June 22, 2002 in Wadsworth, IL. He is also survived by his mother, Angelina Tacito, his children, Rachel (Patrick) Morris of Elmhurst, Jeffrey (Viola) Laitila of Marseilles, IL, and Denice Laitila of Gurnee, IL; his grandchildren, James, aka “Fishface” of Marseilles, IL and Vanessa, aka “Baby girl”; his sisters, Michelina (Enrique) Cora and Marisa (Mario) Maselli; his nephews, Dennis Lord, Andrew Lord, Jeremy Lord, and Michael (Wanda) Cora; his nieces, Angela Carsrud, Marisa Carsrud, and Jillian Carsrud; and his dogs, Ray and Pea. He was preceded in death by his father, Salvatore Tacito. Friends of the family may visit from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Friday, July 10, 2015 at Strang Funeral Chapel & Crematorium, 410 East Belvidere Road, Grayslake, IL 60030. The funeral mass is at St. Raphael the Archangel Church, 4000 North Route 45 in Old Mill Creek, IL at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 11, 2015. In lieu of flowers, memorials donations may be made to Black Diamond Charities c/o Black Diamond Services, PO Box 401, Grayslake, IL 60030. For information, call the funeral home at 847-223-8122 or visit www.strangfuneral.org.
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Bernie was always fast on the movie quote draw and the first to give you a nickname from deep inside his psychedelic imagination. Please provide a movie quote you often heard Bernie spout or the nickname he gave you.
“Puttin’ the foil on”
“You’ll shoot your eye out”
“Winner winner, chicken dinner”
from, Denny (Straightneck) Lord; Andrew (Bullethead) Lord, and Jeremy (Dr. J) Lord
Edgemont Steadfast was his latest nickname for me following a long line of “Eddie” based nicknames. I don’t have a movie quote but I have a couple from the underground comics we all enjoyed. Here goes:
“I am a dog”
” I make the funny joke, eh?”
“My George, your crank’s as warm as toast”
I’ll be glad to share some Firesign Theater talk when we are together tomorrow evening.
I was forever ‘Spammy’….
“I understand you’re a neurosurgeon.”
“No, I’m a barber, but a lot of people make that mistake.”
“I like your nurse’s uniform, guy.”
“These are O.R. scrubs.”
“O, R they.”
“Damn! We’re in a tight spot!”
Jeff (homo boy Jr.) Laitila
Bernie was my boss, friend, mentor and brother. He thought I was special for many years and was the first to give me an opportunity to prove it. When I had my mishap back in 2007, he told the nurses that he was my brother just so he could come in to check on me. At every meeting after that he always kissed me on the top of the head and told me that he loved me. There is not many who can say that about his employer. His passing leaves a deep hole within me and I feel that it may never be filled. God Bless those he left behind and may your hearts be healed through the love that he had for you all.
Josef Mason
I am so very sorry for your loss. I haven’t seen Bernie since John Polacheck’s wake…. I knew you had a grandchild on the way at the time. I feel badly that after he left PCI we didn’t stay in closer touch. You certainly nailed the obit – he was all that and more. I can’t believe you guys were so close and yet so far. My 8 year old twins made their first Communion at St. Rafael’s in May. They live in Lindenhurst, also. I had no idea you both were so close. The world is a sadder place already without Bernie and his ‘quirky’ sense of humor as a part of it. He was the life of any party, any conversation, really. I am so saddened to hear of his passing. In all the years that I knew and worked with Bernie, I never once saw him angry or rude… he seemed to be able to handle anything and everything with humor. You, Bernie, and your whole family are in my heart and prayers. Losing Bernie is a real tragedy. I am so sorry for your loss, Cyndi.
Pam Nichols
Bernie was a good friend growing up in Northlake Il. And yes you would never know his dad was a barber. My nickname was TaTa . it was a name he gave me when we would pretend we were pro wrestlers. We would wrestle in his bed room , back yard . Were ever Bernie thought it was time to fight. Thank you for all the memories my friend
‘Death ends a life, not a relationship”
We will miss you Bernie…Peace
Love, Ky and Roberta Cahill
We are very sorry for this tragedy and 100% sure that his soul is in Heaven where he’ll enjoy eternity next to our God. May his soul rest in peace.
Ed & Yolanda Avella
Miss you every day Cranky.
Sad to see this- I knew Bernie “back in the day” when his hair was oh so long! He introduced me to Jack Kerouac and his mother’s homemade giardiniera. Many happy times spent with Bernie and friends all those long years ago. Firesign Theater- wow, that’s a blast from the past. Condolences to his wife and family- I am sorry for your loss.